Borking may not be as fun in the afterlife

396px-Reagan_with_Robert_Bork_1987Somewhere in purgatory, I’m betting that Robert Bork wants to speak with Ted Kennedy and the feeling is not mutual. Here’s one vision of how that might go:

Attired in scuba gear and standing beside a 1967 Oldsmobile Delmont 88 with a lake and bridge in the background, Robert would ask Teddy, “Shall we go in? I’d love to show you what it looked like that July 1969 evening.”

Purgatory presents the classic ‘bad news, bad news’ scenario for people like Ted Kennedy, hero to the Left. So much to answer for, so much time. To Mary Jo Kopechne and Robert Bork, RIP. For Teddy, while your permanent housing gets sorted out by the Power that Be, I submit the following ditty by The Trammps.

Think of the lyrics not as a prediction, but a reminder of how fleeting earthly good times and smear campaigns can be. In a delicious Delilah-like twist, Disco Inferno was the song playing at the Au Bar on Good Friday 1991, the evening Teddy facilitated his nephew’s first rape. Always a special time for Kennedy males.

About Jorge Costales

- Cuban Exile [veni] - Raised in Miami [vidi] - American Citizen [vici]
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